Friday, June 16, 2006


Just a quick update...the Europe trip is going well. Yesterday they went to Pompeii and the Bay of Naples. She said she got to stick her feet into the Mediterranean! I'm so thrilled she gets to take this trip of a lifetime. The kids were so tired they slept from Rome to Naples, then back! I would've been afraid I'd miss something. Today they're supposed to be leaving Rome and taking the Eurostar overnight train to Paris. How EXCITING does that sound! I've been watching her account as she uses her debit card...and that is fun in itself. The tour group they're with provided lots of good things for them to use over there like phone cards and debit cards. Although they have a section on their site where we can look at uploaded pictures and GPS locations, that part sucks. There's only 1 picture per day and so far we've not seen ANY of the kids in our group. Plus their GPS isn't working. Oh well, as long as we talk every few days, we're doing good! The parents all call each other when they talk to their child and convey messages, experiences, etc. This is SO cool!

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