I heard from her! They're having a great time in London and were going out for the evening when I talked to her. She's going to order fish and chips and see if they're the same as we had at the British restaurant in Santa Monica. She had SO many stories to tell...one was about the ladies in the room next to her. She said someone snuck in their room and stole the ladies' passports, money, etc. EVERYTHING but their clothes. The woman woke up and found some man at the foot of their bed. That is what woke D#1 in their room and she said there was alot of scuffling around then. The robber threw everything out the window and jumped out after it. THAT'S WHY I TOLD HER TO SLEEP WITH HER NECK POUCH ON WITH PASSPORT AND MONEY! LOL I have a personal satisfaction now that MAMA was right! *for once!*Will write more later...
How are they sending you the photos? It is obvious that they made it to Paris. Seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time is a wonderful thing.
They went with a tour company called EF Tours...and the tour director takes pics each day and uploads them to the internet with an explanation of what they did that day. They're supposed to have a GPS system so we can see where they are every day, but that's not working right now. They're scheduled to come home day after tomorrow. She told me that she might be going to see The Lion King in London tomorrow night (Wednesday night). She has always wanted to see that on Broadway in New York, but to be able to see it in London is beyond her wildest dreams, I think! I'll let you know if she does get to go!
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