She called and said that tonight (right now) she had the opportunity to see the stage producton of The Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre in London. She has wanted to see this FOREVER and she's not only finally going to get to see it, she's seeing it in LONDON!!! She called from a red phone booth in front of the theatre and was as happy as a clam! I'd LOVE to see it with her, but I'm just thrilled she got to go!
They're leaving London at 8:00 a.m. in the morning and getting in to our airport at 2:09 p.m. FAST trip, eh? LOL only seems that way. It's more like leaving at 2:00 a.m. our time and 12 hours later getting in here. I can't WAIT to see her!
7:41 p.m. CST
She LOVED the Lion King! She said she was surprised at how small the theatre was, but that it was SO cool. The kids are all packing now and have to be at Heathrow at 4:30 a.m., so they're just staying up until they hit the plane. Then I'm sure they'll all z-z-z-z-z right over that ocean, unlike on the way over. I'll meet her at the airport at 2:09...whoopie!
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