Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Wow, it's been awhile!

I really need to update more. It's been almost 2 years? Huh, whuh? Where did the time go.

We've gotten a dog in the meantime. Her name is Chloe and she's a Lhatese...Lhasa Apso/Maltese mix. We got her when she was 2 months old, and she's almost 6 months old now. She's quite the character and we're finally getting used to having another child in the house. Seriously, it's like having another child, only this one goes outside in all kinds of weather. NOT fun for us. LOL

The girls have changed of them are below as well. The girls first, THEN the puppy!

1 comment:

Mountain Mama said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I appreciate all the prayers so much.
Your girls are really beautiful.